Friday 15 June 2012

Usiseme Maziwa sema ni Fake!

In as much as the first ng'ombe advert took comedians and children by storm, the second one which came about a week ago lacks both concept and logic.

The advert that features Jalang'o, Otoyo and Wilbroda purports that the trio acquires a bride by paying seven packets of milk to some shaggy looking old men.

Firstly,  its not logical to do that under any circumstance then secondly, even in Luo culture (because all of them are Luos or have constantly been characterized as Luos) women ie Wilbroda, cannot even appear anywhere near the negotiating table. So she is irrelevant in the advert.

And i still wonder if they want to brand the milk as ng'ombe or it's still called Molo milk.

"enjoy watching adverts"

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